Hello! I am Sahil Shah . Python Developer, Web Developer and Softwer Developer.
Currently i am a student of Information Technology and very passionate about my work and studies. I build new projects just to tickle my brain. Take new challanges is my strength.
January 2021
I am an AI intern at Turabit solution Pvt. Ltd. from the January 2021 . This internship will be very help full for my career to become a Professional Python Delevoper.
2017 - 2021
Apollo Institute of Engineering and Technology (GTU)
Persuing my Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology from Apollo institute of Engineering & Technology , Enasan, Ahmeddabad. (RUNNING)(CGPA-8.85)
2015 - 2017
Noble schoole of science
Completed 12th Science (GSHEB) in 2015-2017 batch from New noble school of science, Naroda, Ahmedabad.(PERCENTAGE-63%)